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ISSN : 1229-9618(Print)
ISSN : 2671-7506(Online)
Chinese Studies Vol.85 pp.313-332

On the Poetic Thoughts of “Yue Shan Notes On Poets and Poetry”

He Hua*
*何花,전북대학교 중어중문학과 박사과정,BK21 한ž중 知用合一 교육연구단 연구원,南充职业
技术学院 讲师(。


Hengren is a poet of the Qing Dynasty, and has a volume called “Yue Shan Notes On Poets and Poetry”. The content includes evaluating the poems of Tang and Song dynasties, correcting the mistakes of the poems and expressing their views on controversial issues.On the aspect of poetics, he advocated studying Tang Dynasty poetry and paying attention to morality and hard work;In terms of poetry creation skills, he advocated dialectical study of Jiangxi poetry schoo l;The language of poetry should be fresh and mild;Evaluating other people's poems emphasizes examination and verification;Taking “The Literary Style Theory” as the main idea, we also accept the idea of “Charm Theory”. Poetry has gained special value, such as evaluating poetry by means of “Qianjia School” emphasis on examination and verification; It fully demonstrates the level of Han culture in the Qing Dynasty and confirms the importance Manchu attach to Han culture; Break through the “The Literary Style Theory” to “Tang” as the main limitation; “Yue Shan Notes On Poets and Poetry” played an active role in perfecting the thought of “the Literary Style Theory” in Qing Dynasty, correcting some theoretical defects of style school. This “Yue Shan Notes On Poets and Poetry” also has some shortcomings. For example, because he likes Du Fu, his evaluation of Li Bai is not objective.

*何花,전북대학교 중어중문학과 박사과정,BK21 한ž중 知用合一 교육연구단 연구원,南充职业
技术学院 讲师(。



